Upcoming events.
Upcoming events
Puppy Party!
This playdate bash date will be announced soon!
Bubble up!
this Bubble-y meetup date will be Announced soon!
Get your free bag of dog biscuits for every 3 stroll’s and 5 shorty’s! For deals like that come here!
to May 31
Spring Cleaning!
Does your dog not smell like a blooming meadow? Or like fresh lemons? Well the Spring Cleaning gets your pup to smell, look, and feel like the sent of your dreams. for only $10.00 you can get all of that, email us at: Seattlewoofsandwalks@gmail.com or call us at: 206-294-5987
to May 17
Easter Event
get a package of homemade easter dog treats and biscuits for only $5.50. As well as Doggy biscuits you get a free walk if you buy these treats